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Poster, Dulce amargo, 2011
Michele Miyares Hollands
Poster, Dulce amargo,
Michele Miyares Hollands,

Poster, Dulce amargo,

Michele Miyares Hollands
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Ausstellungsstrasse 60
8031 Zurich
Museum map
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 94
8031 Zurich
Pavillon Le Corbusier
Höschgasse 8
8008 Zürich
Museum map
  • Dulce amargo Michele Miyares Hollands Poster
  • Dulce amargo Michele Miyares Hollands Poster
  • Dulce amargo Michele Miyares Hollands Poster

Michele Miyares Hollands (b. 1976) is part of the second generation of Cuban artists who continued developing the independent aesthetic of film posters promoted by the country’s national film institute. With her poetic, playful illustrations, she condenses film plots into a single image.

Michele Miyares Hollands attended the renowned Instituto Superior de Diseño in Havana and has for many years been the art director of Cuba’s leading cultural magazine, Gaceta de Cuba. In addition, she mainly designs film posters for European and the local film productions promoted by the Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos. Dulce amargo is the title of the Saturday segment in the anthology film 7 Days in Havana, which involved seven directors. Juan Carlos Tabío, who co-directed the hit film Strawberry and Chocolate, tells the satirically over-the-top story of Mirta, a TV psychologist who sells baked goods on the side to make ends meet. While she gives smart advice professionally, her private life descends into chaos. Miyares Hollands sums up the entire plot in one symbolic image. The typeface echoes the ornamental flair of the illustration; superimposed on a cookie, the stripes of a life buoy create a striking graphic contrast. (Bettina Richter)

Plakat, Dulce amargo, 2012
Erscheinungsland: Kuba
Gestaltung: Michele Miyares Hollands
Auftrag: Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográficos, ICAIC, Havanna, CU
Material / Technik: Siebdruck
76 × 51 cm
Eigentum: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK

Jesus Vega, El cartel cubano de cinemateca de Cuba, Havanna 1996.

Sara Vega, Alicia Garcia, La otra imagen del cine cubano, Cinemateca de Cuba, Havanna 1997.

Image credits

Plakat, Dulce amargo, 2012, Kuba, Gestaltung: Michele Miyares Hollands
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK

Plakat, Camino al Edén, 2007, Kuba, Gestaltung: Michele Miyares Hollands
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK

Plakat, Oslo, 2012, Kuba, Gestaltung: Michele Miyares Hollands
Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK

Plakat, El perro andaluz, 2009, Kuba, Gestaltung: Michelle Miyares Hollands Abbildung: Museum für Gestaltung Zürich / ZHdK